Reverse Proxy with Basic Authentication
October 29, 2023

Reverse Proxy with Basic Authentication

Learn how to configure your server to enable Basic Auth while disabling it for the /api/ endpoint, ensuring LibreChat's own auth system can operate smoothly.

Reverse Proxy with Basic Authentication

Using LibreChat behind a reverse proxy with Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication (Basic Auth)

Basic Authentication is a simple authentication scheme built into the HTTP protocol. When a client sends a request to a server, the server can respond with a 401 Unauthorized status code, prompting the client to provide a username and password. This username and password are then sent with subsequent requests in the HTTP header, encoded in Base64 format.

For example, if the username is Aladdin and the password is open sesame, the client sends:

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

Where QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== is the Base64 encoding of Aladdin:open sesame.

Note: Basic Auth is not considered very secure on its own because the credentials are sent in easily decodable Base64 format. It should always be used in conjunction with HTTPS to encrypt the credentials during transmission.

Reverse Proxy

A reverse proxy is a server that sits between client devices and a web server, forwarding client requests to the web server and returning the server’s responses back to the clients. This is useful for load balancing, caching, and, in this context, adding an additional layer of security or authentication.

The Issue with LibreChat and Basic Auth

If LibreChat is behind a webserver acting as a reverse proxy with Basic Auth (a common scenario for casual users), LibreChat will not function properly without some extra configuration. You will connect to LibreChat, be prompted to enter Basic Auth credentials, enter your username/password, LibreChat will load, but then you will not get a response from the AI services.

The reason is that LibreChat uses Bearer authentication when calling the backend API at Because those calls will use Bearer rather than Basic auth, your webserver will view this as unauthenticated connection attempt and return 401.

The solution is to enable Basic Auth, but disable it specifically for the /api/ endpoint. (it’s safe because the API calls still require an authenticated user)

You will therefore need to create a new rule that disables Basic Auth for /api/. This rule must be higher priority than the rule activating Basic Auth.

Nginx Configuration

For example, for nginx, you might do:

server {
	listen 443 ssl;
	listen [::]:443 ssl;
	server_name librechat.*;
	include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
	#all connections to require basic_auth
	location / {
	  auth_basic "Access Restricted";
	  auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;
	  include /config/nginx/proxy_params.conf;
	#...except for /api/, which will use LibreChat's own auth system
	location ~ ^/api/ {
	  auth_basic off;
	  include /config/nginx/proxy_params.conf;
	#...except for manifest, Manifests are excluded because browsers cannot read them if BASIC authentication is enabled.
	location /manifest.webmanifest {
	  auth_basic off;
	#...except for health check, Avoid the phenomenon of repeatedly requesting BASIC credentials in health checks. Note in particular that Safari has a bug in storing BASIC credentials.
	location /health {
	  auth_basic off;

The provided Nginx configuration sets up a server block for

  1. Basic Auth for All Requests: The location / block sets up Basic Auth for all requests to The auth_basic directive activates Basic Auth, and the auth_basic_user_file directive points to the file containing valid usernames and passwords.

  2. Exception for /api/ Endpoint: The location ~ ^/api/ block matches any URL path starting with /api/. For these requests, Basic Auth is turned off using auth_basic off;. This ensures that LibreChat’s own authentication system can operate without interference.