
How to add a new language to LibreChat 🌍

Minimum Requirements:

  1. Good knowledge of the language (some terms may undergo significant changes during translation)
  2. A text editor is required. While options like Notepad or Notepad++ are available, it is recommended to use VSCode as it is more suitable for this task..

Language Translation


Fork the LibreChat repository and download it using git clone. See: Getting Started - GitHub

Add your language to Translation.ts:

  • Navigate to the client\src\localization folder and open the Translation.ts file

  • At the beginning of the code, add your language below all the others in this format:

    import Language-name from './languages/** ';

    Example (English):import English from './languages/Eng';

  • Further down in the code, add in the language mapping, the following:

    '**-**': LanguageName,

Replace **-** with the local identifier of your language (ask ChatGPT or search it on Google). Replace LanguageName with the name of your language.

Example (English): 'en-US': English,

Create your new language file

  • Go into the client\src\localization\languages folder and create a file named as follows: **.tsx

    Example: Eng.tsx

  • Copy all the content from Eng.tsx into your file and modify it as follows:

    // your-language-name phrases
    export default {
      com_ui_examples: 'Examples',
      // more translations here...

    Translate only the part after the :. Example:

    **.tsx (new language)
    // my-language phrases
    export default {
      com_ui_examples: 'This is a translated example',
      // Add more translations here

Do not modify the com_... part

  • Delete the Language list after com_nav_setting_general: 'General', near the bottom of the file (You do not need to translate the individual language names) - Do not delete com_nav_setting_data: 'Data controls' (you need to translate it)

Add your language to Eng.tsx

Open Eng.tsx and add your language to the language list in the bottom of the document.

Add your language to the menu

  • Navigate to the file client\src\components\Nav\SettingsTabs\General\General.tsx.

  • Add your language to the LangSelector variable in the following way:

    export const LangSelector = ({
      //other code
            <option value="en-US">{localize(lang, 'com_nav_lang_english')}</option>
            //other languages...
            <option value="**">{localize(lang, 'com_nav_lang_your-language-name')}</option>

**-** is the local identifier of your language and com_nav_lang_your-language-name stands for the name of your language. Example: com_nav_lang_english or com_nav_lang_italian

You should only need to add one line of code:

<option value="**-**">{localize(lang, 'com_nav_lang_your-language-name')}</option>


If you followed everything you should have one new file and 3 modified files:

  new file:   client/src/localization/languages/**.tsx                       <-----new language
  modified:   client/src/components/Nav/SettingsTabs/General/General.tsx
  modified:   client/src/localization/Translation.ts
  modified:   client/src/localization/languages/Eng.tsx
You can confirm this by using the following command: git status

Commit and create a new PR

See: Make a PR

  • Answer all the questions, and in the β€œType of Change” section, check - [x] Translation update
  • Delete irrelevant comments from the PR template - Create a pull request 😎