API Default Parameters

Default Parameters


  • The purpose of this part of the documentation is to help understand what addParams and dropParams do. You CANNOT globally configure the parameters and their values that LibeChat sends by default, it can only be configured within a single endpoint.

Custom endpoints share logic with the OpenAI endpoint, and thus have default parameters tailored to the OpenAI API.

Default Parameters
  "model": "your-selected-model",
  "temperature": 1,
  "top_p": 1,
  "presence_penalty": 0,
  "frequency_penalty": 0,
  "user": "LibreChat_User_ID",
  "stream": true,
  "messages": [
      "role": "user",
      "content": "hi how are you",


  • model: The selected model from list of models.
  • temperature: Defaults to 1 if not provided via preset,
  • top_p: Defaults to 1 if not provided via preset,
  • presence_penalty: Defaults to 0 if not provided via preset,
  • frequency_penalty: Defaults to 0 if not provided via preset,
  • user: A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse.
  • stream: If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Otherwise, generation will only be available when completed.
  • messages: OpenAI format for messages; the name field is added to messages with system and assistant roles when a custom name is specified via preset.

Note: The max_tokens field is not sent to use the maximum amount of tokens available, which is default OpenAI API behavior. Some alternate APIs require this field, or it may default to a very low value and your responses may appear cut off; in this case, you should add it to addParams field as shown in the Custom Endpoint Object Structure.